Biological tests

We provide a comprehensive range of NATA Accredited sampling and analytical services in aquatic biology that enables the accurate identification of aquatic organisms and generation of precise estimates of their diversity and abundance.

Our algal team provide phycological assessment of freshwater, estuarine and marine coastal waters and wastewaters, with an emphasis on ‘problem’ species such as noxious cyanobacteria that impair the quality of water used for drinking, agriculture and recreation. Results of these analyses assist you in the monitoring of water in compliance with national water quality guidelines.

We have considerable expertise on cyanobacteria of concern in Australia's freshwaters and the specific toxins that they produce. An identification and advisory service is provided on a range of aquatic biota that foul water supply and wastewater systems such as algae, aquatic macrophytes, tree roots, molluscs, zooplankton and bryozoa.

Our biomonitoring and aquatic ecology team provide environmental assessment of rivers, streams, lakes & wetlands by monitoring the diversity and abundance of macroinvertebrates and other aquatic biota as indicators of aquatic ecosystem health. Biomonitoring services may be applied to biodiversity assessments and environmental flow studies, or may be combined with chemical and physical characteristics to provide an overall assessment of water quality and environmental impacts.